I've been working as a core developer of bokeh for a while, and sometimes I want to throw an example of how to use bokeh online without having to consider whether I'm going to maintain that code in the future. I started bokeh-cookbook during Pycon 2016 sprints as I realized that there were holes in our install guide if you've never used conda or committed to an open source project before. We'll see how long it lasts... Sarah Bird

    Check the version tag on posts to know whether that post is relevant to the version of bokeh that you're using.

Recent posts

image & image_rgba plot
by Sarah Bird

I was testing some old layout bugs to make sure we'd fixed them (we have!) and the example code was super cool so I thought I'd post it. They use image or image_rgba which I never use and need to learn better.

Running bokeh examples
by Sarah Bird

Bokeh has a few examples up in the bokeh gallery, but there's a rich, and somewhat hidden, resource - the bokeh examples directory.

Setting up your dev environment
by Sarah Bird

At the Pycon 2016 sprints, there were a bunch of folks who wanted to sprint on Bokeh and so needed to setup a development environment.
